Ideas and concepts for stunning shelves for your home

Concealed shelves

Shelves play great roles in keeping your home organized.They help minimize clutter by allowing you to store everything you want in them.However, the majority of shelves found in homes are poorly designed and tend to lose their charm after some time.If you are thinking of installing some shelves in your home, don't do the same mistake.Opt for smart shelf designs that would look stylish and maximize living space, all while serving their purpose efficiently.HereDr Premand his expert team suggest some choices to help you out with the same.

Classic modern design

The classic shelf concept is one of the most popular shelf designs in several homes.In addition to featuring a very simple, straightforward design devoid of any detailing, it is modular and compact enough to serve its purpose within the space allotted to it.Classic shelves are also long wearing and can be extended to accommodate more shelves as your home expands.

Concealed shelves

Suppose you want a shelf without actually showing it out to everybody?Concealed shelves are the way to go in such a scenario.These are the best additions to a room that needs minimalistic décor.You can also use a concealed shelf as a bedside table without compromising on the space.

Corner wall shelves

The corners tend to be the most wasted spaces in the entire home.So why not make use of all this free space by mounting a corner shelf in them.Consider a corner wall mount shelf that has shelves lining up and facing opposite directions so that each wall gets it share of shelves.In the living room, this artsy shelf would be the perfect choice to display your favorite photos and collectibles while it can be used to store washcloths and toiletries in the bathroom without making the space look cramped.

Ladder shelves

These shelf designs are gaining a lot of popularity owing to the ingenious decorative flair they add to the room.The shelf is designed like a free-standing ladder that can have 4-5 tiers (the rungs of the ladder).While you can place books and other large items in the bottom rung, you can use the top rungs for more fragile items like glass or crystal showpieces.

Storage shelf with doors

A lot of us have a couple of personal items that we need to store away from the prying eyes of relatives and guests.In this case, you can opt for shelves that hide other shelves within them.For instance, the Grande Locking Media Storage Shelf allows you to store the more common items in plain view while a couple of concealed doors behind the main frame provide additional storage solutions the more personal items.This sleek and modern shelf design would also be the best way to reduce clutter in the room while ensuring too much space is not used up in the process.

X Shelf concept

Designed to fit any room in your home, the ‘X' shaped shelf would create an interesting focal point in the room it goes into.Usually constructed out of durable metal tubes, the shelf can stand many years of use, and would definitely be a welcome addition to your home's contemporary décor.

Futuristic Spiderman shelf design

If you want a cool looking shelf, consider something like the spiderman.This super cool looking shelf resembles a gigantic spider's web, almost as if a giant spider had created it in your home.The basic open shelf design incorporates several shelves that can be used to store anything from books to small décor items.


Shelves in your home don't need to keep walking the beaten path.Get a stunning look and function with new designs.

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