How Your Garden Can Boost Your Property Value

Garden Can Boost Your Property Value

Gardening is certainly a popular hobby, with millennials jumping on the trend and making it more popular than it's ever been since the ‘70s.Tending your garden is not just a fun hobby—you can increase the value of your property by having a well-maintained garden.

Everyone knows the basic tricks to get a higherproperty valuewhen selling!finishthe basement, renovate the bathrooms (or add another one), and give every room in the house a fresh coat of paint to modernise and refresh your home.However, not much thought is given to the outside of the home, particularly the garden, when it should also be considered to help sell.

A garden has the potential to increase your property value byup to 20%.You don't need to turn your garden renovation project into a huge task, or even a costly one, as you don't need to do too much to make it appealing and attractive.Are you wondering what makes a garden so appealing?Here are some of the ways a garden can increase your property value.

1.Improves your curb appeal

Garden lawn designs and ideas

A garden in your front yard can make or break a first impression of your home.Having good curb appeal is essential when trying to sell your home, as it gives potential buyers their first look at your property.Part of having good curb appeal is ensuring your lawn and garden is well-kept and designed beautifully.

Having a carefully considered garden with a groomed and maintained lawn makes a considerable difference, as opposed to a garden that's full of weeds and debris.Your garden is a big part of what gives the exterior of your home its "wow" factor, so be sure to look after it.

2.Provides a space for privacy and peace

Potential buyers are looking at more than just the interior of your home when they're at a viewing.They want to check out the surrounding area, including the proximity of your backyard to your neighbours.Having a garden typically means having your private sanctuary where you can go and relax and enjoy the peace.High hedges and fences usually help make it a more secluded area, so having a garden that blocks a neighbourhood view into your backyard will make it more appealing.

This is also an opportunity to take your backyard sanctuary to the next level and turn it into a private oasis.Water features in gardens are highly attractive to buyers since it adds a natural and peaceful element to the outdoor space.Water Gardenis a great place to look for water features, fountains and ponds so you can find the one that fits your space perfectly.

3.Improves the sense of space

sense of space

A cramped andtiny gardenmight not be as attractive as a garden that is spacious and uncluttered, so you should aim to spread your garden out as much as possible.It helps give your front or backyard a feeling of openness and is more aesthetically pleasing.

If you need ideas of ways to utilise your garden space better, you could extend the pathway or paving right to the edge of your garden, reduce the number of plants in an area to make it less cluttered, and add climbing plants like vines to high walls to make them feel softer.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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