How to Give you Home Curb Appeal

When trying to sell your home, it's very important to consider the curb appeal.This term, which was coined in America in the 1980's housing boom, refers to the attractiveness of the outside of your home, as viewed from the street, and is vital as it's the very first impression potential buyers will have.In fact, the experts atHome Staging Resourceshave listed it as the number one improvement item needed on homes going up for sale.Others include ensuring light can get into your home, repairing and revitalising the interior, and getting a professional valuation of the property.

Home Curb Appeal (4)

It goes without saying that painting the exterior of your house is the top priority when increasing a property's curb appeal.It's amazing the difference a lick of colour can make.This is something that youcando yourself, but depending on how serious you are about making the sale, it may be worth considering a professional, such as those found atagwilliamspainting.comwho will be able to undertake the task for you, saving you the time and hassle.

Here are some tips for you to consider, when dressing up your own home:

  • Paint your front door – be sure to pick a warm and inviting colour which draws people in.
  • Upgrade your house numbers to ensure it stands out and looks smart.This small difference will be noticed.
  • Add some porch lights for a brighter effect.
  • Make sure there are plants outside, because nature instantly gives a more homely feel.Check out theBuzzfeedcolour wheel for ideas on how to make this work best.
  • Clean up your garage door.In fact, pressure wash everything!
  • Hide any garden mess, or unsightly wires or electricity boxes.Anything that doesn't look nice needs to remain unseen.
  • Think about your roof – tired roofs make such a difference to the overall look of your home.
  • Give your amenities, such as your mailbox or door mat, a much needed makeover.
  • Do any repairs.Even if something isn't drastic, it'll be a reason not to buy, and you want to avoid those at all costs.
  • Create some symmetry with your outside fixtures.This makes the building more aesthetically pleasing.
  • Add shutters to your windows – it makes them look much smarter.Also, while you're there, take the time to wash your windows!
  • Get some fencing to surround your garden just to keep it looking tidy.
  • Replace or clean any gutters.
  • Dress up the driveway – add some edging for a fancier look.

Home Curb Appeal (2)

It's amazing how much of a difference these small changes will make to the outside of your home, and the price that you can get for it.In fact, it might be something worth doing even if you aren't selling.You spend so much money on the mortgage of your home!why not keep it looking its best?Plus, this will save you time and money in the future if you do ever decide to move on.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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