How to Furnish with White Kitchen Tiles

How to Furnish with White Kitchen Tiles

The kitchen in the modern-homes is no longer considered to be a secluded area, something that is best kept away from the view.Rather, it is now integral to the overall interior of a home, sometimes an open and inviting extension to the modern living room.Therefore, it needs to be aligned with the overall interior decor – whether to create a seamless look or to give it a unique character of its own depends on the designing philosophy.

Despite numerous options and patterns available in the market to furnish a cooking area,white kitchen tilesremain very popular among the homeowners to this date.Versatile, neutral, and peaceful – white porcelain tiles offer an understated, yet elegant solution to furnishing any modern-day kitchen.

So, if you are one of those who prefer a clean and minimal look, let's find out the trendy way to furnish your kitchen with white porcelain tiles below.

Brighten Up Your Kitchen

There is no one choice for white floor tiles.They are available in numerous shades and effects.So, depending on your overall plan, you can play with the variations of white tiles.If you want a lavish, elegant look, opt for white tiles with marble or some other clear stone effects.A warm white tone, on the other hand, would offer your kitchen some much-needed warmth and depth, while also energizing the multi-functional environment.

If your kitchen is short of natural light sources, you can also enhance the brightness by installing silver or stainless steel appliances.

Complement or Create a Contrast

White Kitchen TilesA sea of white ranging from the floor, countertop, to backsplashes is perhaps the ultimate dream of an uber, minimalist lifestyle.Even while aiming to achieve that, you can play with the different shades of white and add some depth to the composition.Complementing a clear white, for example, with a concrete white effect may give your kitchen an industrial feel.

Creating a contrast, on the other hand, would give the kitchen a dynamic vibe with striking appeal.To do so, you can opt for a white kitchen floor, and then, furnish it with black or some other extravagant colors like brass, metal, make it cozy and warm.It would also help to tone down the otherwise deeper colors.

Mix and Match to Add Playfulness

If you have children in your home or tend to welcome a lot of guests, plain white kitchen tiles alone may not cut it for your lifestyle.In such cases, you can easily turn up the game with some ingenious mix and match of different tiles and shapes.

The ideas are abundant – a mix of black and white tiles as in chess boards, a play of different geometric shapes like hexagons, side-by-side placements of different widths, etc.You can also ask for customized shapes and sizes for any special needs.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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