How to Design a Studio Apartment


Astudio apartmentcould be the perfect way to get an affordable, modern, and beautiful home to live in, but it isn't always the easiest type of space to design.So, after using a service likeElevate Livingto find your perfect apartment, check out the tips below on how to design a studio that will be both functional and beautiful.

Designate Your Spaces with Furniture


When you are living in a studio apartment, you don't have walls to separate your living room from your bedroom and your kitchen, but you can use furniture to create these separations instead.You could, for example, use a trunk that is strategically placed next to your bed in order toseparate your living room from your bedroomwhile adding extra storage to the mix.Or you could place a large bookshelf in between the two areas to create a sort of wall.And you also have the option of hanging curtains to create a private sleeping area.Get creative and you might be surprised by how you can create the feeling of two separate spaces in one large space.

Add Shelves to the Walls

Adding shelving to your walls is a great way to create areas where you can store things like your favorite books, but you can also use these shelves to display framed photos and other little works of art.When you don't have a lot of furniture, shelves really are your friends.Just be sure to also put some artwork on your walls so that you can add a bit of beauty to the space in addition to all of the function that you are creating.

Be Strategic with Your Furniture


When you are living in a small space like a studio apartment, furniture that can serve multiple purposes is the best investment.For example, you could purchase a daybed that you can convert from a sofa during the day to your bed at night.But if you don't want to do that, you could take your bed and use that as your couch during the day by simply adding a few pillows on top to create the illusion.And a bed with storage built-in is also a fabulous idea.As another example, you could purchase a large coffee table that could serve as your dining table if you don't have room for an actual dining table in your eating area.

Stick with Neutral Colors

To make your studio appear larger than it is, stick with neutral hues throughout.You could add accent colors like silver and black to make your studio ultra modern, and you could also include Lucite furniture that's clear and won't cause your space to feel crowded.

With the design tips above, you can create an awesome studio apartment that you and your friends will love spending time in.Just remember that, even though studios can be a bit of challenge when it comes to interior design, if you use your creativity and have some fun, you will be very pleased with the results.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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