How to decorate your home using mirrors


Mirrors are one of the most useful tools when it comes to room decoration.Same room decoration can become boring and dull.You can change your rooms with the inclusion of mirrors.They are helpful in making your room appear more spacious and add an enduring elegance to them.Glass doors and French windows have been coveted for centuries.They have a charm of their own which no one can overlook.Mirrors, however, is a different ballgame than the usual glass panels and doors/windows.They enhance the depth of your rooms and bring the lights in.You can play with lights with the help of mirror reflect mechanism.They are not only decorative but also useful for small touch ups during a busy evening.Some intriguing yet simple tips for using mirrors in your house decor are discussed in this article.


Window to Your Interior

You can use mirrors to look like windows.Get the mirror fitted on a wall that is opposite to some interesting decorations or arrangements.This way the mirror will be reflecting the interesting part of your room and bring more attention on it.You can shift the mirror whenever you want to and change the look of your room.Placing the mirror on a wall from where it can reflect lots of light is a good idea because it will help you save power and make your room appear brighter.

Make it the Focus

You can also use the mirror as the centre of attention for a room.A striking frame for the mirror or its enigmatic shape or size can catch and hold the attention of visitors.They can create different moods and change the ambience from light to serious or from boring to deep.Set the mirror at the feet of the bed and help it to reflect the light from the windows.Stark and straight and oval mirrors look great.Antique mirrors set in heavily worked frame look stylish and elegant.

Add Space and Volume

Decorate small passages or dining rooms or even rooms with mirrors.This will make the room look enlarged and increase the flow of light.You can easily give a makeover to narrow spaces with the help of rightly sized mirrors.The full sized and broad mirrors can actually double the size of your room.It is also helpful for you because you do not need to rush to the bathroom every time you need to check if you are looking nice.

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Creative Touch

There are many ways of jazzing up the mirror.Get a nicely decorated antique empty photo frame and place it next to a wall sized mirror.Some candle stands and sea shells will complete the look with élan.You can also make a wall stand out by decorating it with different sized mirrors framed in quirky or ethnic manner.

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