How to Buy a Fireplace (and Why You Might Need One)

investing in a fireplace

Whether you're interested in making your home warmer, increasing its resale value, or just adding a nice visual touch to your living room, investing in a fireplace could be a great decision.These days, there are hundreds of types and styles of fireplaces to choose from, and it's easier than ever to install a new one cleanly—no matter what kind of house you have.

However, it can be hard to make the final call with so many options.In this guide, we'll cover the benefits of installing a fireplace and how to buy one.

Tips for Buying a Fireplace

Before youbuy a fireplace, consider the following tips:

1.Be prepared for fireplace ownership

fireplace ownership

Early in the process, you should be prepared for fireplace ownership.You'll have many responsibilities to follow, both for legal and for safety reasons, and you don't want to be caught unaware.For starters, you should know that not all areas allow all types of fireplaces!many neighborhoods set restrictions on traditional wood burning fireplaces to minimize the risk of a fire.You should also consider the fact thatfireplaces and chimneys need to be maintained regularlyfor safety reasons.Additionally, you'll want to estimate the expenses of fireplace ownership!firewood can get expensive if you're maintaining a fire consistently.

2.Understand your biggest priorities

Different people buy fireplaces for different reasons.Most of these reasons are perfectly valid, but you'll need to understand your priorities well if you're going to buy the "right" fireplace.For example, are you mostly interested in keeping the family warmer in winter?Or would you rather boost the resale value of your home?You may look at different fireplaces depending on your answer.

3.Choose the right fuel type

fuel for the fireplaceOne of the most important variables when it comes to fireplaces is the type of fuel it burns.Each fuelhas pros and cons associated with it.For example, wood burning fireplaces have a pleasant aroma and a natural crackle, but they're also more expensive and slightly riskier.You might prefer a gas or electric fireplace instead.

4.Think about the style and placement

Once you decide on the type of fuel you want to burn, you'll need to turn your attention to more superficial things.For example, what kind of style do you want?What materials should be used?Where is it going to be situated in your home, and what's the best style to complement that placement?

5.Research and set expectations

Research regarding fireplaceAt this point, you'll be ready to do more research.Start looking in more detail at the types of fireplaces that are available and see them in action if you can.After looking at a few dozen options, you should be able to narrow down what you're looking for considerably.Make a list of the features you need, the features you want, and the extras that would be nice to have.This is also a good time to set a budget.

6.Shop around

Don't buy the first fireplace you find.Instead, take your time and shop around.You may be able to find a similar fireplace model offered for far less with a competing brand or discover a discount that can dramatically improve your financial position.

7.Get a professional to install the fireplace

fireplace installationOnce you've selected the right fireplace at the right vendor, hire a professional to install the fireplace.You'll likely have the skills and tools necessary to install it yourself, but you don't want to risk a safety hazard.You're better off letting an expert do the work.

The Benefits of a Fireplace

Benefits of a Fireplace

Are you still on the fence about your fireplace buying decision?Consider these impressive benefits:

1.Supplementary heat

The most obvious advantage is the supplementary heat provided by the fireplace.Most fireplaces aren't a great source of heat for the entire home, but they can make a single room much more comfortable—especially in the cold winter months.

2.An inviting atmosphere

Fireplaces also produce a welcoming, cozy atmosphere.The gentle crackle of logs (real or simulated), the smell of the fire, and the image of the dancing flames can all add to the aesthetics of your living room.

3.Resale value

A fireplace isseen as a luxury featurethat could boost the value of your home.You might not make back as much as you spent to buy and install it, but you should come close (depending on demand where you live).

A fireplace isn't right for every home or every family, but there are some massive benefits to enjoy if it fits into your budget and long-term planning.Think carefully about your decision, do your research proactively, and make sure you understand your priorities before pulling the trigger.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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