How to arrange and organize bookshelves

How to arrange and organize bookshelves

Gone are the days when a bookshelf was nothing more than a dedicated place to keep books.Nowadays, people look for furnishing items that serve multiple purpose.The bookshelves are also one of those home furnishing items that not just only hold books, but also provide a display space for different accessories like photo frames, decorative glassware and other decorative objects around the house.In order to get as much use as you want of every object in your bookshelves, it is therefore essential to keep it properly organized.Given here are a few tips to help you arrange and organizing your bookshelves.

  • Empty and clean

The foremost thing to be done is empty the bookshelf and dust it off with a dry cloth.If you find any stains on the shelves then remove them with a stain remover.This will help you organize the books in a new manner.

  • Arrange big things first

Pick all big objects first to place on the shelves including books, framed photos, figurines, or other objects.Keep all the hardcover books and novels on the bookshelf first.Arrange them in a zigzag manner across the shelving unit.Then place the smaller hardcover books alongside the larger ones.After keeping the books intact, place the big accessories and then make way for the smaller ones if any.

  • Don't overcrowd the shelving unit

Keep the décor of the bookshelf simple.Do not stuff every shelf with accessories.To give a clean look to the shelving unit, choose a single color or contrasting tones to vases and figurines.after arranging them, step back and assess the way of your arrangement.You can change the location of the items and keep it in some different place.Do it until you get satisfied with your work.

  • Leave open spaces on the shelves

Contemporary shelving units call for a scattered or distributed look.Therefore group together a set of small same sized books.Streamlined vases are the perfect  accessories for mod shelving units.These also provide a lot of open space for the other accessories and knick knacks shine through.

  • Accent with the color scheme of your room

While adding accessories onto the bookshelves, you can carry on with the color scheme of your room.This can be done by accenting the accessories which perfectly matches with the wall color of the room.You can even add accessories of colors contrasting the wall color.

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