Holdfast Clamping System keeps your furniture intact in a classy manner

Clamp offering a wide range of possibilities is an essential tool that we use in one way or the other to keep things organized in our day to day lives.Exploring the possibilities of clamps, as a tool and a connecting device, designer Sam Weller has come up with a creative furniture range that makes use of a clamping system to hold furniture together in a classy manner.

Dubbed as "Holdfast," the furniture series, comprising tables, stools and shelves, employs a clamping system made using bent wires to prevent movement or separation through the application of inward pressure.Made using a computer controlled wire bending device, the clamping system presents a simple but at the same time functional design.

All the wooden components are drilled to insert clamps that form a strong supporting structure and hold the entire unit tightly together.The holdfast clamping system can be produced in different shapes and dimensions to meet personal needs of users.


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