GrowMe self-watering ceramic pot for growing herbs

If you are into indoor gardening and wish to have fresh herbs right inside the walls, the GrowMe might interest you.Designed byEmbla Vigfúsdóttir, a product designer born in Iceland and currently based in Copenhagen, Denmark, the GrowMe is a self-watering pot for herbs.The planter comprises of two ceramic bowls, a balloon, soil, herb seeds and a special thread.The lower bowl needs to be filled with water occasionally and the wick transfers the water to the roots of the plant in the soil.

The GrowMe indoor planter is an upshot of collaboration with students from the Icelandic University of the Arts, the University of Reykjavík and Bjarkarás, a workspace for people with disabilities where they have greenhouses to grow fresh herbs and vegetables.The GrowMe is self-watering pot is available throughSpark Design Spacefor 27 Euros.

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