FreshWall redefines the concept of growing plants indoors


One of the latest projects at the international crowdfunding site Indiegogo, the FreshWall lets you grow fresh herbs and vegetable all year round and also purifies the indoor air.FreshWall is an affordable, automated green wall for the urban dwellers, which does not take too much of the floor space.FreshWall brings vertical gardening indoors and requires minimal maintenance.All you need to do is to put the plants into the pot, plug it to your FreshWall and add water to the reservoir.Plug in the cord and the FreshWall takes care of the rest.

Moreover, each plant in FreshWall purifies air as well as 100 normal plants.FreshWall combines the best of hydroponics and aeroponics to help you grow plants throughout the year.The integrated watering system delivers the right amount of water and nutrients to all the plants.As the air circulates through the plants root systems, plants grow healthier and faster.All the bad chemicals are destroyed by microbes and later serve as fertilizer for the plants.

The recommended retail price forFreshWallis €999, excluding the shipping costs.The team behind the FreshWall is looking for €140,000 in funding to back the project.

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