Frank Halmans' Hoover Buildings are functional vacuum cleaners shaped like houses

kunstwerk frank halmans jan 2009

How do you like the idea of cleaning your home with a vacuum cleaner that is shaped like a building?Sounds fun, to me at least.The "Hoover Buildings" by Dutch artist Frank Halmans is a conceptual art project that includes fully functional vacuum cleaners shaped like houses that suck up dirt into the interior of a dollhouse.Available in a different shapes and sizes, the Hoover Buildings vacuum cleaners are basically mini vacuums that come wrapped inside small buildings, which you can hold easily with your hands.

The Hoover Buildings are an outcome ofFrank Halmans' endeavor to show how ‘dirt and debris' has cluttered our homes and personal space.

kruimeldief kunstwerk gemaakt door frank halmans feb 2011

kruimeldief kunstwerk gemaakt door frank halmans feb 2011

kunstwerk frank halmans op atelier januari 2010

Frank Halmans Hoover Buildings vacuum cleaners 5

kunstwerk frank halmans op atelier januari 2010


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