Foundation chair aims to straighten and strengthen your spine

Designed for people and students who spend a lot of time in the sitting mode, the Foundation massage/exercise chair resembles the human spine.The unusually designed chair has a spine-like back, which is a massager-exerciser that relaxes back muscles.Designed especially with an aim to straighten and strengthen a spine, the Foundation chair helps users sit in a correct posture, giving full detrainment for the back and a massage effect for the neck.Once the spine is fixed in the right position and the back is straightened according to the height of the user, rubber pillows-vertebras start moving upwards in wavelike massage motion.

This process stretches the spine from the base to the neck, relaxes the back muscles and frees intervertebral discs of the spine from compression.The Foundation chair is being claimed to prevent and cure ailments, such as postural disorder, osteochondrosis and vertebral hernias.Made from plastic, rubber and metal, the Foundation chair offers sitters a correct and comfortable position.

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