Floppy Table hides your favored assets in a secret slot

Avid homemakers and gadget freaks, who want everything around them to be gizmo-inspired, now have enough reason to go bonkers over and appreciate the floppy disc-shaped table that hides their preferred possessions inside a metal shutter.Designed and created by a Berlin-based design duo Neulant van Exel, theFloppy Tableis highly usable considering the fact that it never sacrifices its primary function, i.e.entertaining your guests with coffee drinks on its flat surface.

As folks atCore77claim it to be "a surefire hit", we second their opinion since the Floppy Table fuses usability with a tricky design.The media inspired table is composed of hot-rolled steel and stainless steel.With its dimensions reading 27.5" × 25.5" × 17.7" (70cm × 45cm × 65cm), the table will surely add a geeky touch to your home décor.

Those who can't resist the temptation of laying their hands on the Floppy Table may place their orders throughNeulant van Exel.

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