Five sizzling cooking ideas of 2014

Easy and quick cooking methods are the rage in today's era.No matter what your designation is, cooking is a part of our daily life.With developments in technology, every year we are being introduced to new cooking gizmos and gadgets that are wonderfully designed to both simplify as well as beautify our culinary creations.This year too we have been introduced to 5 fascinating cooking concepts that will work wonders in making our art of cooking more interactive and more mobile thereby making the cooking process easier and enjoyable.

The year 2014 seems to be a good year, especially for the foodies as this year we have been introduced to a couple of clever and interesting cooking concepts that you will simply love.Five of the most fascinating cooking ideas of the year include:

Capsule Machine:

We all love tea.In fact, it is the most popular beverage the world over.Nowadays fitness freaks are keeping away from coffee and switching over to tea, which is much healthier.Considering this, Anna Nikulshina, a Russian student designer has introduced a Capsule Machine.This will help you to custom prepare your own tea with ingredients of your choice.The moment these ingredients enter the machine, these are immediately pressed and then steamed in the form of a tiny capsule that can be used akin to a tea bag by dipping it in hot water.

Egg Yolk Extractor:

The first thing that amateur cooks try their hands at is cooking eggs.Yet there are few recipes which are little complicated compared to preparing basic scrambled eggs.Especially when you need to separate egg yolks for a hearty breakfast sandwich, egg-white omelettes or meringue, the task does get difficult.Fret not with the help of Pluck this will no longer be a challenging task.All you need to do is lower this handheld device on a cracked egg and simply squeeze and release it.The yolk will immediately separate and slide up in the silicone container.Resting on your cooking needs, the yolk can be squeezed back into different holding areas.This device is truly handy for amateur cooks.

iPad Chef Sleeves:

Ours is a tech savvy world and gadgets have become our way of life.We often use iPads and other forms of tablet devices for finding our favourite recipes and checking its video demonstrations and the messy meal making and fire takes a toll on our pricey gadgets.Do not worry.To prevent you from this mess, an innovative concept in the likes of iPad Chef Sleeves has been introduced.This has especially been manufactured from ultra-thin material to help you operate your iPad screen with ease.This re-sealable bag is both easy to wash and dispose and fits iPads of all types.

The Kitchen Train:

We often complain of our kitchen counter that gets cluttered with the various appliances being stored on them.Indeed, microwave ovens and coffee machines have to vie for some space with breadboxes, toasters and kettles.To solve this endless problem, a Malaysian innovator, having a PhD degree in Industrial design, Ahmad Abedini has designed the Kitchen Train.It boasts of an aesthetically pleasing and sleek blend of six appliances that can be separated easily.This efficient and modern approach will certainly add harmony in your kitchen and make your cooking easier.


Designed by Indeep Sarkar, an Indian student this all in one kitchen design concept is a beautiful mobile cooking set that can easily be transported in the likes of a handy trolley bag.It comprises of a vegetable cutter, barbeque chamber, oven and a toaster.Besides it is equipped with solar panels to keep it eco-friendly, thereby making it a must have for barbeques and picnics.Besides, it also has a digital screen that shows video recipes as well as cooking with friends interactively.


We all love to eat.While some prefer dining in 5-star hotels or love munching fast food there are others who enjoy the satisfaction to prepare their own recipes in their kitchen.Try your hands on these innovative cooking concepts and enjoy your cooking experience to the fullest.

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