Five modern interior design ideas that are easy to do


To add modern style to your house, you don't need to go and blow a better part of your life's savings.In fact, a modern touch can be added to your home by simply picking out some interesting pieces and using them wisely.

Festive centerpieces bring a room to life

Centerpieces are a great way to refresh your décor without having to move or replace a single thing in the room.You can either create centerpieces that reflect the season or go for something that is a lot more timeless.Seasonal centerpieces can be made using flowers, foliage and natural twigs, seasonal fruit and a few see through vases.For timeless centerpieces, you should use a tray based setup that can be used to display centerpieces made using stones, vintage finds etc.

Throw pillows can add color to your room for less

If you want to add sparkle to your room or make it look brighter and more colorful, you can use throw pillows and you'd never have to wonder about the paint scheme in there or if you need to have your furniture reupholstered in a different color.Since throw pillows come in every kind of fabric and finish, you can use them to instantly transform your room from spring fresh to summer warmth to autumn glory and even magical winter by simply replacing and existing set with one that suits your new theme.

Show off nature's bounty with indoor planters

Using plants in interior décor is a very modern idea indeed.Whether you use a small bamboo plant in a glass bowl or a large planter that fills up a corner, having foliage indoors can help you really create a classy look without trying too hard.However, you have to remember that indoor plants have special maintenance and care needs.Hence, if you don't have much of a green thumb, you should get plants that are low maintenance.

Vintage finds add character to a room

Your great grandmother's classic hutch, the antique you found at a yard sale or even the armchair that was the first piece of furniture you ever bought can all be used in your modern interior to give it a unique character.

DIY when possible

Most people consider DIY pieces to be a very kitschy looking and generally unsuitable for display in interior décor.However, the fact remains that simple DIY projects can actually help enhance your décor and make it look like a million bucks while using supplies that cost you next to nothing.Top picks in this segment include hand colored natural stones placed in a glass bowl and homemade paintings.


Modern interior design allows you to create your own kind of magic using whatever resources you have at hand.For budget decorators, this can be a great way to keep refreshing interior décor every few months.

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