Five best green shed designs


Global warming has become a major concern, and people are trying to stay on the environmentally friendly side of things.Thegreenfactor becomes even more pronounced for those trying to construct a new house or renovating old ones.Shed designs too are going green these days.Some of them available are mentioned below:

The Roost:

It spreads up to 100 square feet of area.However, within this area limit the roost tries to give a look of spaciousness and openness.Northern white cedar is used to make the unit and sedum is used to make the roof.It can function as a rainwater harvester too.For this, a cistern should be installed on the roof.

Power shed:

Roof of a powershed can provide enough area to install solar cells and harness the power of the sun.The amount of energy can be sufficient to provide supply to kitchen, cabin and office.The process is eco-friendly, and reduces the consumption of energy thus lowering down the electricity bills.Moreover, since it is run on solar power, one doesn't have to worry about power cuts, as the stored power supply can still work.


The Geo is permeable, usually dome-like structure.It can be used to arrange a hammock or can be used as a vertical garden.This can be a style statement in your backyard.Moreover, it is equipped with water harvesting machinery that can collect plenty of water.Solar panels attached can also provide electricity.Thus, this machine cuts down the consumption of electricity and provides recycled rain water too.

Salvage shack:

As the name suggests, it is made of salvaged objects.The shack can use more than 75% of salvaged materials collected from dumping grounds or neighborhood.Matt Buttrill, the creator of a savage shack even used timber collected from Obama's inaugural stage to make the floor of his shack.

Eco shed:

An eco shed can be made largely out of lumber, going as high enough to make 95% of the construction.Other materials can also be used, for example an E-hard coat glass and concrete floor, and an R20 foam insulation.A steel roof ensures rain water harvesting.It can be purified to be used for drinking and household chores.Moreover, the water stored can be used for farming or gardening too.


Innovative eco-friendly concepts for sheds not only look good but have proved good for the nature.These can be designed as per the theme of the house.A variety of designs and materials are available these days in the market.

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