Estampille 52 creates a Spiral wooden chair to twirl your imagination

This spiral wooden chair by Estampille52 guarantees admiration by anyone who happens to confront it.The chair surely is an out of the box idea.

The inspiration

Dreams can be scary, dreadful, disturbing and also quite the opposite,inspirational, bold and peaceful.The design of this wooden chair seems to have crept out of a pleasant dream.Like a place where dreams fade away in peace.The chair is a piece of art that ensures the user or the onlooker a hypnotic appeal.

The design

The most difficult part about art is giving words to beauty.The concentric wooden circles that make the chair have the ability to transform in shape.Below the seat, the design appears like a cover on a warrior's helmet.One can imagine a pair of eyes peeping through.On the other hand, the wooden rings above the seat appear like the course of a planet.The ‘Y' shaped legs of the chair add to the beauty of the piece of furniture.

The chair looks like a spatial object to every dreamer.The spiral wooden rings pivot down to form a clean coffee table.The piece of furniture handles the role of a chair and a coffee table with elegance, to capture the attention of the admirers.The chair is made completely out of birch wood.Birch wood, as we know is a hardwood that poses the grace of the oak, but is much harder than that.That takes care of the aesthetic appeal and the durability.

The motivation

The motivation behind the chair and similar pieces of furniture has been the founder of the studio, Adrien Ancel.After working for ten years in retail banking, Adrien decided to quit and live a passionate life.He got trained in cabinet making and carpentry to develop stylish furniture art.As a result, the Estampille52 was born in 2010 in the city that loves art, Paris.

In 2012, Guilhem Huynh-Quan-Suujoined studio Estampille52after being an intern and an apprentice to Adrien.Graduated in DMA design decors and furniture, Guuilhem is a young carpenter who designed the spiral wooden chair.His graduation from the EcoleBoulle has given a boost to his imagination.The chair has been officiallynamed as "Octave," the eight wooden circles go with the name given to the chair.

The ‘Octave' chair is perfect for a stylish living room!and will suit the décor of a modern office too.The aesthetic appeal of the chair is sure to turn a regular person into an art lover.

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