Eco friendly home furniture ideas

Eco friendly home furniture ideas

Nowadays, more and more people are choosing eco friendly lifestyle.As the market for eco friendly products is expanding, you can find a variety of green furniture pieces.Many furniture stores and designers are making green furniture fusing natural, recycled, reusable materials.One of the best ways for the homeowners to go green is by choosing eco furniture pieces for their home.Read further to get some tips on decorating your interiors with eco friendly furniture and turn your home into a green home.

  • Reclaimed wood can be used to createecofurniture

The wood of old discarded or dumped wooden furniture or wood from wooden cartons used in factories is called reclaimed wood.This form of wood has the same kind of strength and sturdiness as a fresh log of wood.Therefore instead of throwing away the reclaimed wood it is better to make a good use of such wood and construct eco-friendly furniture pieces of modern designs and styles.

  • Make use of Bamboo furniture

To give a green touch to your home, you can add furniture made of bamboo.Bamboo is a sustainable resource and sturdy and tough furniture pieces can be constructed out of this sustainable source.Besides furniture, Bamboo can also be used in flooring, window blinds and various other interiors in a home.The furniture objects made of bamboo can not only make your home eco-friendly but also accentuate your home with a natural character.

  • Use furniture made of recycled plastic and metal

You can utilize furniture pieces made of recycled plastic and metal.These types of furniture are trendy and contemporary.Recycled metals like aluminum and wood can be combined together to form chic furniture.

  • Go green with recycled furniture

Make use of furniture constructed with recyclable materials as you can easily separate each part and re-cycle them to create new products.Avoid  purchasing hybrid green furniture to compliment your green home décor as these might not be further re-used or recycled.

  • Check whether your green furniture is anti-toxic

Always check for the toxicity of your green furniture.Even reclaimed wood furniture makes use of toxic chemicals for finishing and varnishing.Make sure that whatever furniture you buy is chemical free.These chemicals are dangerous for an individual health as these consist of harmful toxic compounds like formaldehyde and flame-retardants, which can cause birth defects, cancer and endocrine disruption.

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