Eco-Cool recycling system for reusing gray water

For those who are quite concerned about the water and electricity consumption at home, interdisciplinary designerArdavan Mirhosseinihas designed the Eco-Cool.The Eco-Cool is a system that recycles gray water by slow filtration for different applications, such as purifying the air, cooling the area and watering your indoor garden.Designed to work in both the dry and hot weather, the Eco-Cool features a stopper on its top that controls the amount of water reaching the top tank with 15-liter capacity.The integrated ceramic depth filter removes impurities from the tainted water, including dirt, bacteria and pathogens.The stainless steel tank at the bottom of the Eco-Cool is used for growing indoor plants.

The size and installation of the Eco-Cool depends on the family size and the amount of gray water being produced on daily basis.The Eco-Cool has been designed in two versions – one for a family of two and the other for a family of four persons.While each tile in the small version contains 0.127 liters of water, each tile in the large version contains about 0.457 liters of water.

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