Does Your Hot Tub Need New Parts?

Hot Tub part

After spending my entire life in the small community where I had been raised, the first decision my wife and I made after our wedding was tomove across the countryto be closer to her family.The small town in which I had grown up was not only an amazing place to raise children during the years of my youth, it was also home to one of the most amazing smaller, private universities in the country.

After graduating high school, there wasn't achoice that needed to be made.I would attend the school in my hometown where I would meet my future wife during our sophomore year of college.Her story was a little different than mine.She had grown up on the west coast and found out about the school from one of her mentors she had grown close to throughout high school.The woman had become such an influence in her life that my wife decided to follow in her mentor's footsteps when it came to where she would go to continue her education.

Becoming a man away from home

Hot Tub part

One of the hardest parts of making the move was leaving my nephew.With him and my older sister living at home with our parents, the kid and I had spent a lot of time together and had grown very close over the six years of his life.I promised him there would be many occasions for him to come and visit our new place once we got situated.He held me to my word.

After just six weeks of being settled into our new home, my nephew and my parents came to me.Within just five minutes of being in our backyard, the kid was able to get his first glimpse of a hot tub in person.He was instantly drawn to the jacuzzi and couldn't wait to get in to relax from the stress of his long journey.I told him that as soon as everyone was settled and we had eaten dinner, we would get in to enjoy some peace and comfort.

It hadn't dawned on me that my wife and I had not even started the hot tub since moving into the house.It was covered and to be honest, I wasn't even sure if the water was at a high enough level to enjoy the use.Much to my surprise, not only was the water missing, we would also needreplacement hot tub controllers, blowers & heatersbefore we could be able to relax in the tub.It became my mission to make sure my nephew was able to relax in our jacuzzi before it was time for him to head home.

A much-needed relaxing soak


With only seven days remaining, I was going to have to get to work right away.The next morning I had an expert come and look at the hot tub to tell me exactly what it was I would need for the tub to be operational.We found a website that not only provided shipping, but also helped us out with rushing the order.I am proud to say that my nephew was able to spend several hours relaxing in our hot tub the last two days before my family needed to head back home.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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