Design your own generative Voronoi bookshelf with a web app

Vornoi Bookshelf

The crowdfunded products are catching everyone's fancy nowadays.One of the latest funding campaigns at Kickstarter is for an interactive web app that allows users to customize and design unique shelves based on the Voronoi algorithm.A Voronoi diagram is a method of dividing space into different regions.The Voronoi Bookshelf is first in the series of generative furniture byHero-Design.The prototype comprises of two parts – a generator and an object – where the generator is a software and the object is a bookshelf.You can design the Generative Voronoi bookshelf on your iPad and have it fully assembled or as a kit at your doorsteps in a few days.

Currently, they have the have a prototype of both the web application and the bookshelf, but they are looking for further improvements in both the areas.The funds from thecampaignwill be used to rewrite the code in Javascript and to enhance the physical design of the Voronoi bookshelf.

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