Cool and creative clothes iron designs


A person's sense of clothing is the best way to study his aura and personality.It is not the cost of the clothes that is important, but the way they are put on.Ironing imparts a crisp and clean look to our personality.Here is a host of some new ironing techniques that would surely add that "wow factor" to your clothes.

Sqeeron iron:

This energy efficient device, designed by Daan Ballion, contains limited number of electrical parts, as all electric components are deleted.Its housing is done by cork and reservoir is made using silicon ruffers.Water and electric circuits are completely separated and heat is produced by a single element of an induction cooking plate.It cuts electric consumption almost half of resistance wires.

Lupe Iron:

This eagerly awaited gadget is a three –in-one model, which does dry cleaning, sanitizing and ironing at the same time.Made using a translucent body, which can magnify dust, bacteria and other impurities!it can be used for both colored as well as white clothes and can even remove stains.

Infinity Iron:

Designed by Adam Wendels, Infinity Iron allows direct communication between itself and the user.It has a sphere that acts as a water reservoir and sensors, which make it completely automatic.It is loaded with an OLED touch screen.Its use has turned out to be a boon for arthritis patients because it needs less no.of wrist turnings.Its textured rubber back help to give a strong and comfortable grip.

Philips 4472 Iron:

This is a modern and unusual model designed by Rizki Tarisa.It is unique in that, it can convert its own kinetic energy into electrical energy.This interconversion produces heat.Powered by the Auto Gill Technology, the iron starts automatically as the user starts moving it.It is also helpful in lessening the use of fossil fuels and electricity consumption.

Concept Clock Iron:

Designed by Sandesh HD, it is the best option for those who consider ironing as the last work to do before leaving home.It has a built-in timer that keeps the iron running and saves time.


Here are some extremely outstanding and innovative iron models that will surely make your ironing experience easy and superb.Along with making your clothes spic and span, they will also make you look smarter.

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