Use Barkman Concrete versus Hardwood for a Contemporary New Look

There was a time when homeowners were limited not just by budget but by the materials available to them.What was "in" was in, and anything outside of that was way too expensive and not acceptable.Just two decades ago,concretefloors were something that only heavy industry would consider, but concrete is now finding its way to islands, countertops, and floors across America.


Nothing is as durable as concrete, which is why it's used for most highways and roads.  But is it practical and stylish?Maybe in the past, the answer would have been "absolutely not." Ideas about what is luxurious continue to evolve, and is broadening the minds of many designers and homebuilders across the nation.

There are many advantages to concrete besides its durability.Although it's a very contemporary and practical material for homes, it isn't always something that homeowners consider.Concrete is typically something you think about for the outdoors, but what it can do for the indoors is amazing.

Here are some of the advantages of concrete:


One of the best parts of using concrete in your dwelling places is that it is inexpensive.Unlike granite or marble, concrete can have the same depth and elegance if you do it right.It doesn't cost a fortune, and you don't have to worry about it all the time.Concrete might be a cheap material, but if you plan it correctly!it can give you a really elegant and high-end look.The average concrete installation, whether it is a countertop, sink top, or floor is anywhere from two to six dollars per square foot.That is much less than other unique materials.

Easy to maintain

The reason that roads are made from concrete is that there isn't a whole lot that can make a dent in it.Unlike marble, soapstone or even granite, concrete is almost impossible to chip and doesn't need to be oiled or maintained.Since it's almost impervious to penetration, concrete is one of the hardest materials you can use for any surface, including floors.

Simple to clean

The best part about concrete is that it is easy to clean and nearly impossible to stain.When you use things like hardwoods or marble, you have to worry about the cleaning products put on them.But when it comes to concrete, a little bit of water is all you need.Without needing to worry about staining or lackluster shine, concrete is not only low-maintenance!you don't need all sorts of fancy cleaners to keep it looking awesome.


There are very few materials that can take the punishment that concrete can.Concrete is impervious to stains, chips, and scratches.In fact, no matter what your family can throw at it, it can pretty much overcome it and come out shining like new.It's not an industrial look if you don't want it to be, it has an industrial durability that you can't get from other home- building materials.


Concrete flooring and countertops are much more eco-friendly than other house building materials likehardwoodor carpeting.Not only do they not require all the installation work, but they also don't hold onto allergens like carpeting can.Concrete is a win-win material.

Temperature favorable

When you think about concrete, many people think cold, but the truth is that it helps to regulate temperatures in your home.As a great absorbing material, it can help to cut your energy costs.It stays cool in the hot weather and warm in the cool weather.The perfect material for all climates, concrete is an energy-efficient asset to your home.

For every taste

Whether you are a contemporary fan or a luxury home-builder, concrete is like a little black dress!it can be dressed up or dressed down depending on your style.One of the most versatile materials you can deal with, it can be comfortable, high-end or industrial, depending on how you use it, where you use it, and the plan you outline for it in your home.

Concrete is something that you should only use on roadway systems — or is it?A hidden secret,Barkmanconcrete can provide a contemporary high-end feel, the durability to outlast children and the energy efficiency that makes it the smartest choice for your home-building projects.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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