Circular microwave oven with remote control and luminous shell

While every appliance in our kitchens is getting a facelift nowadays, why leave the rectangular microwave oven behind?Haoyi Zhangof Beijing, China has presented a new take on the design of a microwave oven, combined with high0tech features.Offering a new sensory experience to the users, this circular microwave oven was designed for Chinese brand Midea.The glass turntable inside the oven slides out when the heating process is over to deliver your favorite dishes.

The microwave's handle supports he open cover and allows the horizontal level of support.To make your microwave cooking experience even better, the circular microwave could be controlled with a remote control.The display on the remote informs the users of the completion of heating process by playing music or some other sound, so that you don't have to go to the oven repeatedly.

The circular microwave oven also has replaceable jackets, which not only add to the aesthetics, but also protect you from radiations.With its luminous shell, you can easily find it at night.The materials used are metal, glass and plastic, which are normally used to make traditional ovens.

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