Cantilevered LED Desk Lamps by Taylor Donsker

Cantilevered Desk Lamps by Taylor Donsker

Designed by Taylor Donsker, a Los Angeles native and graduate from the USC School of Architecture, the Cantilevered Desk Lamp sits stylishly on a rectangular steel base at an angle.The desk lamp extends horizontally from the base, cantilevering 16 inches.Inspired by the floor version of the lamp, the Cantilevered desk lamp features two sets of parallel steel bars that hold a floating LED bar that lights up the workspace below.You can rotate the lamp easily with the help of the pivoting arm.

The 14″ LED light bar lasts up to 100,000 hours and consumes only 3 watts of energy.TheCantilevered LED Desk Lampsells for $400.

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