Cabinets made out of an innovative material: NewspaperWood

The design of these amazing cabinets will capture your heart.Made from non-traditional material, NewspaperWood the cabinets flaunt colorful combinations for suiting a number of décors.


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The credit of this innovative material goes to Mieke Meijer, a well-known Dutch designer.She developed the material as a part of a project in 2003 at the Design Academy Eindhoven.We all know that paper is made from wood.The concept is opposite in case of NewspaperWood.This material, which is technically not wood, is made from newspaper.

Newspaper is rolled into logs and glued together, this Newspaper log is cut to reveal the design, which is the wood like grain.The design is quite similar to the growth rings of a tree.Mieke Meijer has collaborated with Studio Vij5 to exploit the results of this material.The result of their collaboration is a company called NewspaperWood BV and a range of designer products.


Vij5 Studio hasutilized the capabilities of designerBerg Hanssen to develop five awesome NewspaperWood cabinets.The cabinets were quite an attraction at the Milan furniture fair in 2014.A colorful steel frame and planks of NewspaperWood of a matching tone are the essence of these cabinets.

The color and styles of the cabinets

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There are three styles and five colors adopted for the cabinets.The five visually appealing colors for the cabinets are blue, pink, green, purple, and cream.As far as the styles are concerned,the first one consists of two lockers side by side.In the second one, there are four lockers in the frame, it's a ‘Double Decker' version of the side by side.The third style also has two lockers but one on top of the other.Any of the five mentioned colors can be opted for these three styles.

According to the designers of the Vij5 Studio, the possibilities of transforming the NewpaperWood material into a number of items arebeing experimented.Production of the material on a large scale will not be feasible as of now.Materials like wood and steel when used along with NewspaperWood enhance the style and durability of the furniture.

More items of this material like a pen stand or a coaster will complement the NewspaperWood furniture, which is a possibility in the near future.These NewspaperWood cabinets would match any décor, whether at home or office.They are equipped to suit your style and attract the attention of visitors.

Source : Dezeen.Com

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