Bare Hair Project: Recycled PET bottles and human hair used to make cushions

The ideas are as endless as your imagination when it comes to recycling, and the Bare Hair Project – 2012 is definitely worth all the praise.The upshot of this unique project is a set of two cushions, dubbed poufs, which have been made from recycled PET bottles and waste human hair.To create these comfortable seating solutions, designer我随意重写的内容是:Ola Giertz(奥拉·吉列茨)。got the waste hair from Studio Västra Sandgatan, a hair salon in Helsingborg, Sweden.In an interview with International Design Times, Ola Giertz said that the inspiration for the project was the huge amount of waste hair we can find in hair salons.

The Bare Hair Project also sends a green message to everyone and urges people to think of new and better ways of reusing discarded objects.The two poufs have been currently placed inside the Studio Västra Sandgatan Studio for the customers to sit on.The cushions are transparent and you can clearly see the human hair stuffing inside.

Although, Ola Giertz has no plans of selling any more poufs, but he says that if some company shows interest in the production of these poufs, he would consider that.


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