Airocide Air Purifier brings NASA's aerospace technology straight to your home

Airocide Air Purifier

Introducing NASA's aerospace technology to consumer products or electronics,Airocidehas come up with an advanced air purifier that promises to eliminate regular basic problems, both technical and hygiene related, which users come across with different brands and models of purifiers available in the market.

Incorporating thousands of tiny glass rings (resembling macaroni) coated with titanium dioxide to destroy particles, soon after they collide with the ring, the hi-tech air purifier is exceptionally effective that can protect office employees against anthrax and such other viruses used in chemical warfare, and not to talk about purifying your home environment.Designed by Gadi Amit from New Deal Design, theAir Purifierrelies on a conventional principle of aerodynamics, widely known as Coanda Effect, for its basic shape or form.

Applying a non-mechanical technique to support the slow passage of air through the Airocide rings, the Purifier features trapezoidal face that gradually drags the air through rings and dispenses it on the other side swiftly.Priced at $800, the Airocide Air Purifier may appear a bit expensive, but considering the advanced technology and effective performance, it is surely going to attract customers who don't compromise with their health and hygiene.

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