A table that fits inside a shipping envelope

Yes, you read it right.You can actually fit the Postable byStudio Toerinside an envelope and makes the tedious task for shipping furniture an easy-to-do thing.The Postable fits perfectly in your mailbox and the best part is that it doesn't compromise on the quality or robustness.The ingenious stainless steel table flaunts a modular make and each of its elements can be packed  inside the normal mail, which means you could simply receive your full-sized dining table in an envelope.

The Postable table can be ordered in three varied sizes.The side table, measuring 60x40x38cm will set you back €190.The second in the line is the €390 Postable medium dining table with a size of 90x80x75cm.Finally, we have the 180x80x75cm full size Postable dining table that will cost you a cool €690.Global shipping charge is a mere €17.10.The Postable by Studio Toer is a great choice for those homeowners who keep changing their addresses.


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