A handy guide to buying leather furniture


Leather furniture is quite in vogue these days.Leather furniture has the ability to instantly transform a room while maintaining a posh feel.However, picking leather furniture can also be a bit overpowering which means that it is best to remember a few basics when buying leather furniture.

Mind your budget

Leather furniture tends to be a little on the higher side in comparison to regular wood furniture.While budget friendly varieties are indeed available in the market, you need to work a little extra hard if you want a couch or seat in a particular style or shape while maintaining your budget as well.in fact, if budget is on your mind, you might be better off hunting for second hand or vintage leather furniture and then finish it yourself to save a few hundred (or thousand) bucks.

Remember the size of your living space

Leather couches tend to be on the larger side.This means that while they may look fabulous in a spacious showroom with the right kind of lighting, they may overpower the room and leave little floor space in your own living room.Hence, before buying leather furniture, you should keep the dimensions of your living space in mind.

Choose a style that suits your living room theme

Leather furniture styles have evolved rather starkly over the decades.This means that a leather chair from the 1950s looks very different to what was in vogue in the 1970s.This aspect also gives leather furniture a lot of versatility as well.Just remember to keep the style theme of your living room before picking leather furniture for it.

Pick a timeless color

For smaller spaces, leather furniture in a dark color is generally not recommended.However, if the room gets plenty of natural daylight, you may be able to get away with having a medium sized, dark colored leather couch in it.Remember that most leather finishes tend to change with exposure to light and over time.Hence, if you are very particular about the exact color of the furniture you pick, you should inquire about the maintenance schedule of the leather used in it to keep it looking new and retaining its color over time.


Leather furniture looks classy and timeless.And when you keep the above mentioned tips in mind, you can pick items that are perfect for your space and well suited to your particular needs too.

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