A guide to proper furniture arrangement around a fireplace


There cannot be anything better than sitting in front of the fire with a cup of tea/coffee on a chilly wintry night.A fireplace is one of the most beautiful and striking addition to any abode.As the weather is getting colder and the days getting shorter, people are retreating indoors to the comfort and warmth of their homes and hearths.Although a fireplace enhances the ambiance of the house, but one always desires a roaring fire, which needs no tending, keeps the home warm and requires minimal cleanup.

Guide to proper furniture arrangement around a fireplace

Arranging the furniture surrounding the fireplace can affect the manner in which one enjoys their fireplace along with others with them.Planning on how to place furniture where there is a fireplace is indeed tricky, particularly if there is a television in that room.Creativity coupled with visualization is the key to this problem.Ideally, the seating if placed in a parallel position to the fireplace will aid in reinforcing its function as a central point.

When it comes to promoting conversation, the seating arrangement must be faced inwards as well as towards each other.While for watching TV together, arrange the seats to face in the same direction.For those having a recliner or a loveseat can place it in a perpendicular direction to the fireplace, either on the left or on right of the sofa.Those who do not have a loveseat can add a couch or few chairs.While for using a television at its best, it should be hung above the fireplace.

Proper placement of furniture is indeed imperative

A room having a fireplace lets one know that it is a mature space for relaxing or retiring to on a special occasion.Further, if the fireplace is situated in the living room, the conversation grouping must be cantered within it.When one makes an entry into the living room, one must be sure that they can easily view the fireplace and that its view is not blocked by furniture.One must be free to walk right from the entrance to the drawing room to the fireplace directly without tripping over the furniture.


Regardless of whether it is one's bedroom, dining room kitchen, family room or living room, fireplace is considered a focal point and proper placement of furniture is indeed imperative to make the best of their fireplace.

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