8 Ways you can bring empty wine bottles to life for home decor

Wine Bottle Table Lamp

By the end of the year, your collection of empty wine bottles would have grown to a sizeable number.And you would be waiting to throw them all in the landfill in the coming days.What if we say that you can reuse these bottles in and around your house in a number of creative ways?Would you still throw out the bottles?Check out these 8 incredible ways in which you can repurpose old wine bottles in your home décor.

Wine Bottle Bird Feeders

This is great way to reuse an empty wine bottle.Turn the bottle upside down and cut off its bottom.Process the edges so that they are not sharp.Fill the bottle with bird seed and drill a sizeable hole through the cork on the other end (the bottom).Now hang the bottle on a tree branch or post with a thick vine or rope, attaching a small plate beneath the cork to collect the seeds that fall through the hole.Voila, your customized bird feeder is ready.

Wine Bottle Candle Holders

A great way to reuse old wine bottles is to transform them into candle holders.It's really very simple.All you need to do is stick a candle through the opening of the bottle (choose a large sized candle that would not slip through the opening) and light it.

Another way to repurpose an old wine bottle as a candle holder is to cut it in half.Pour scented candle wax into the bottom half of the bottle and insert a wick into it before the wax solidifies.You can paint some decorations on the outer surface to make the candle holder look more aesthetic.

Wine Bottle Candle Caps

Yet another way you can repurpose old wine bottles is to use them as candle caps.Cut the bottles in half (remember to process the edges) and place the top half of the bottle over the candle, covering it completely to create a nice looking candle cap.

Wine Bottle Table Lamp

In the case of a table lamp, simply remove the cork and insert a string of tiny lights into the bottle.Cover the top of the bottle with the lamp shade, making sure you attach a part of the string of lights to the shade as well.When you switch on the lights, the shade as well as the bottle will glow brightly.

Wine Bottle Chandelier

If you have a large number of empty wine bottles, turn them into a chandelier.This may be a tricky process and you may want to get the help of a professional to get this done.But trust us, the end result will be unbelievable for sure.

Wine Bottle Photo Frame

This really cute DIY project will result in a striking photo frame that will hardly look like it came from an old wine bottle.Paste a photo you like on the bottle, right along the center.Your next step would be to cover the rest of the bottle with rhinestones or any other colored stones of your choice.Use glue for the same purpose and don't leave even a little space untouched.The end result will be truly dramatic for sure.

Wine Bottle Flower Vase

There is no simpler way to reuse a wine bottle than put some flowers into it and make it an instant vase.While you can use the bottle as it is, a little bit of painting with spray paint or stained glass paint will leave you with some really pretty flower vases.

Wine Bottle Halloween Decorations

What better way to repurpose old wine bottles than use them as Halloween decorations?Simply paint from frightening faces on the outside and place an LED light on the inside to create a haunting glow no one would likely forget in a lifetime

There is no need to throw out all those empty wine bottles.With loads of ways to repurpose them around the house, you can put these bottles to good use in your home décor.

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