5 Ways you can paint the bathroom just right

Bathrooms are small and generally have the most traffic in the house.They are usually water prone and therefore very likely to develop mould and show pealing walls.This makes it very important to paint the bathroom ceiling and walls more often than other rooms of the house (including kitchen).

Since the bathroom is probably the most visited room in the house!it can become uninviting and boring if it's not well taken care of.Again the easiest way to give the bathroom a makeover is to deck it up with a fresh coat of paint.Listed below are few steps that should allow any homeowner to take the task of painting a bathroom in their own hands and execute it to perfection.

Remove accessories and cover up your fittings

metal bathroom fittings

Before you go to the second step, take down all kinds of decorations, accessories or wall hangings that you may have in the bathroom.You must remove all possible electrical outlets, towel bars, removable cabinets etc.For other things, including handle knobs and other fittings that won't come off, you can cover them up so that the paint does not drape down on them.

Clean the bathroom properly

cleaning Bathroom

Next, clean the bathroom thoroughly.It's crucial to clean the bathroom walls because they have over a period of time sustained really grim stains because of soap, shampoos and oils.The bathroom is really susceptible to developing mould.If your bathroom has mould, it is important to get rid of it before painting.In some cases, to clean the bathroom walls, you may need to use sandpaper to remove stains and mould.If the walls are relatively clean, you can simply wipe them with cloth to remove dust and stains here and there.

Remove the flush tank

Dual flush toilets

It may sound really monotonous and difficult to remove the flush tank, but it is not.Most people prefer to tape or cover up the tank and paint.Reaching those areas behind the tank can be really difficult and often it is left unpainted or partially painted if the tank is not removed.To ensure the area behind the tank is not left unfinished, remove the flush tank before painting the walls.

Removing the tank is easy, it's the seat section that is messy and difficult to remove – but we don't have to remove that.To remove the tank, turn off the water supply to the flush tank, flush it to expel all the water in it and then remove it and place it on towels somewhere outside the bathroom.

Apply painters tape along the ceiling, door and window trims and cover up the floor

painters tape

Applying the painters tape lets yousafeguarding areas that you don't want to end up painting accidentally.It's recommended to use tape 2-inches wide.When you start painting, begin along the tape to ensure perfection.In order to make sure the paint doesn't spill down on the exposed floor!cover up the floor, tubs, toilet seat and other things with drop cloth.

Use mould resistant, light colored paint


Painting the bathroom is very typical.You need to be sure of the type of paint to use.Preferably go for oil-based, gloss finish paint since itis believed to be mould resistant.It is also important to choose light shades for the bathroom because with light, bright colors can make the bathroom look spacious and inviting.

Money is surely a concern when it comes to home remodeling, but by doing things yourself, you can save big time.Painting a bathroom yourself can sound daunting, but it's easy and with the aforementioned steps, you can really execute the task to perfection.

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