5 Common Safety Accessories You Should Own Before Undertaking Small DIY Tasks

Whether you're sanding an old wooden table, or you are giving your front yard fence a fresh look with the help of a lick of paint, it's important you do the job well, but at the same time, in a safe manner.There are many jobs around the home that can be completed without any safety accessories!however, no matter how small the job is, you should always consider some sort of protective equipment, as you never know when you're going to be unlucky.The below accessories are very common, but it's important you consider investing in them to keep you safe.

Safety Glasses

Safety Glasses

It's easy to pick up a disc cutter and cut away to get a job completed quickly, but you should always consider investing in safety glasses to protect your eyes beforehand.For the sake of a buck or two, you could realistically prevent blindness in one or both eyes.Even if you're sawing a small piece of wood, there's no reason why you shouldn't get your safety glasses out to keep you safe.



Simple, but effective, a good pair of gloves will not only protect your hands, but will often provide a better grip when working with power tools.It's always wise to invest in a good pair of gloves as they can be used for anything from gardening to painting.If you're knocking down a brick wall, a pair of heavy duty gloves is the way forward, but for any painting duties, a box of disposable latex gloves is good enough.


A harness may be a little more expensive than the other common accessories in this list!still, it's an accessory that could save your life, or at least prevent an injury.If you're working at height, it's important you invest in a goodconstruction harness.If you're cutting down a tree and you need to climb the tree itself, a harness will ensure you're safe when using high-powered tools.It's not the first piece of safety equipment you may think of just for modest home improvement jobs, but it is one that should be considered.

Dust Mask

Dust Masks

Dust masks are excellent products for a variety of home improvement jobs, sanding being one of them.Dust masks are inexpensive and they can really protect you from a variety of diseases and illnesses that dust and small particles can cause, such aslung cancerand asthma.Always protect yourself using a dust mask.


Another common safety accessory that will benefit you at home is the use of earplugs.When working with power tools, a good set of ear plugs can really help block out the sound and they should be considered for the well-being of your future.

The above accessories are very common and popular in the construction industry!but, when you're completing odd improvement jobs at home, they are often overlooked.Don't take any job for granted at home because they can be just as dangerous as those on a construction site.

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