4 tips to sell your home fast without an agent

sell your home fast without an agent

Property prices might berising in a lot of places, but at the same time this tends to mean that estate agents are getting a bigger cut of the deal.For a lot of people, this is vindicated, as many of us just don't have the time to market and deal with the paperwork that agents engage with.

However, on the other side of the coin, some people are looking to ditch agents altogether.In a bid to save money, and ultimately avoid the 1% charge that tends to be added onto transactions, sellers are turning to a DIY method.

So, is it possible tosell your homequickly by taking agents out of the equation?It is, but you need to be shrewd about how you do it.Let's take a look at some of the best things you can do to make this happen.

Curb appeal is crucial

Curb appeal is crucial

Depending on how you decide to market your property, there's every chance that it just won't be getting in front of as many eyes.This means that curb appeal is even more important!if someone walks past your property, it needs to have the wow-factor to convince them to take the next steps.

This means that you need towork on thisas a matter of urgency.Enlist the help ofa handyman in LA, or the area your home is based in, and ask them to work on the garden or just giving the front door a lick of paint.Things like this can really make the difference and entice potential buyers through the door.

Be fair with your pricing

Another reason you may have decided to opt for this approach so that you set the price.Some agents have been known to inflate prices to maximize their commission (and potentially slow down a deal), while others will knock down the price just to get it sold in record speeds.

As such, you need to be fair with your pricing.Granted, you are saving 1% thanks to the lack of an agent, but make sure you research the local area and find out what similar properties are selling for.

You might still use a professional photographer

use a professional photographer

One big advantage that a lot of real estate agents have is their photography.In short, good quality photos sell, and as a result you need as many of these as possible.

The type of shots will depend on the type of property you are selling as well.For example, if you are based out in the sticks, a lot of potential buyers like to glance over the land and the views.For urban property, lifestyle photography is the way forward.

Be creative about where you list your property

As we all know, property listing websites tend to be the first port of call whenever you are looking to sell a house.Unfortunately, some of these might not be available to you, as some will only deal with estate agents.

All certainly isn't lost, though.Now is the time to get creative and this might mean tapping into traditional methods of selling your home such as in the newspaper, or even going the other way and turning to a tool like Facebook.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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