4 Home Improvement Tips to Prevent Water Damage

Prevent Water Damage

Water damagecan be a huge problem, especially as it often turns out to be worse than it appears to be.Aside from the obvious physical damage to your home, water can also cause mold to grow – which is dangerous and hazardous to your health.

While in some cases water damage is unavoidable (i.e.floods or natural disasters), in many cases all it takes is a few simplehome improvementsto help prevent it:

Check and seal leaks around windows and doors

Prevent Water Damage

As they are subject to moderate or heavy use, windows and doors often show signs of wear and tear and end up with leaks – particularly at the edges.It is important to check them regularly and notice any signs of leaks such as damage to the paint, discoloration, swelling in the frame, or cracks.In the short term you should seal these leaks, though in the long term you may want to replace the door or window in question.

Inspect the attic for water intrusion

One of the most common sources of water intrusion into a home tends to be the attic, and the danger is that it takes time before it seeps into the ceiling and starts to show outward signs.Because of that you should periodically inspect your attic for any early signs of water intrusion – particularly around the vents.If there is any damage, you will then have to track down the source.

Clean gutters and replace any that are damaged

Prevent Water Damage

Although cleaning the gutters is more maintenance than improvement, if you notice any that are damaged while you are cleaning them, then you should replace them sooner rather than later.If your gutters are leaking or not working properly, water will not be diverted properly, and could pool in unwanted areas and lead to further damage.

Get up on the roof and check it

Even if you haven't noticed any water damage in your attic, you should nonetheless check your roof to see if any shingles are missing.If your roofing is old and showing numerous signs of wear and tear, you may even want to think about replacing it entirely – but that is a very large home improvement project, to say the least.

If during the course of your home improvements you ever notice any water damage, you should try to immediately figure out where it stems from.Assuming it is extensive, you may want to call inwater damage restoration companies– especially if you suspect that there is already some mold that is growing.

All in all these four tips should help you to detect and prevent water damage at an early stage.By carrying out these inspections and home improvements periodically, you will be able to avoid incurring further costs way down the line that can be brought on if water damage is left unchecked and becomes far more extensive.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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