4 Do-it-Yourself Tips to Maintain a Healthy Garden

Maintain a Healthy Garden

Abeautiful gardenis always a huge point of attraction when it comes to giving your home's exterior space the lustre it needs.Plus, it is also a significant factor in boosting the resale value of your property.As crucial as agardenis, it doesn't grow by itself.It requires a lot of care, nurturing, and maintenance to ensure that it thrives all year round.If you have a home garden, you can use these tips to maintain it healthily.

1.Get Rid of The Weeds

getting rid of weedsWeeds are notorious for competing with your plants for water and nutrients.Most weed types grow and multiply pretty quickly and easily starve or kill off your garden plants if you don't get rid of them.Besides, their presence always prevents your garden from looking lush and beautiful.Getting rid of weeds allows your plants to ‘breath' freely and thrive.To do this, you can pull out the weeds from their roots to prevent them from growing again.You can also take advantage of organic weed control products likeHerbanatur, as they are safer, pet-friendly, odourless, and kill to the root.

2.Use The Right Soil

Your soil is everything if you want a healthy and good-looking garden.For your plants to grow strong and healthy, you need to take good care of the soil.First, ensure that you have suitable soil for your garden.From pot soil to topsoil, your plants' proper soil may depend on several things like the plant type, location, etc.Some plants can grow on clay soil, while others will thrive on sandy soil.But most plants will grow best on rich and crumbly loam soil.This soil type is a blend of silt, sand, and clay soils.You can also create compost at home to enrich your soil or even use fertilizers where necessary.You also need to nurture your soil by turning it over often to allow air circulation.

3.Water Your Plants Regularly

water to keep them hydratedYour plants will require enough water to keep them looking lush, green, healthy, and beautiful.How much water you have to provide will depend on the season and the kinds of plants you have in your garden.For example, although some plants may require watering daily, others can go for about a week without watering them.The season will also determine how often you need to water yourgarden.For example, during the rainy season, you may have to do less watering by yourself.During summertime, for example, your plants will need to get more water to keep them hydrated.

4.Leave Space Between Your Plants

If you want to grow a healthy garden, you need to avoid overcrowding your plants.Just like the weeds, your plants will compete for nutrients and water.And when they're too close to each other, some plants will have an advantage over others.Another reason to leave enough space between your plants is to allow their roots to grow and spread without getting entangled with other plant roots.Furthermore, spacing out your plants makes it easier to prune them.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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