3D Letter cubicles add creativity to the office space


Office interior themes are going contemporary and unique these days.Every element of the interior is taken into consideration and efforts are made to sync it with the theme of the company.3D concepts are gaining popularity these days.These are majorly applied to individual cubicles where in the theme can match a certain concept regarding the office, or a simple idea that comes to the mind of the designer.Of these, one such pretty and extra ordinary theme that French 3D artist Benoit Challand has come up with is a 3D cubicle.He designed cubicles in a 3D alphabet shape.Each employee gets his own 3-D alphabetical cubicle.

Keeping this theme in mind, the main element in the design was Typography.In this, the designer provides space for partitions, desks, drawers, shelves etc.These are essentials of a cubicle.The innovate part was fitting all these to give the overall look of a large alphabet.

Challand named this whole concept Fold Yard.These cubicles give a typographic look when viewed from a certain height above the ground.They look like letters placed in a certain order.You can arrange them by the name of the office or by a certain motto that the company has.The arrangement is solely the company's idea and hence can be unique for every organization.

This theme suits best an open office system.This not only gives it a fresh look, but also inspires the employees to be more creative and productive.These cubicles can be made to fit into any office type.They can fit into small cramped up places too, giving sufficient space to move around.

Traditional open office concepts were never appreciated by entrepreneurs and companies.They seemed to be unproductive and not encouraging for the employees.Moreover, box type cubicles seemed boring and monotonous.It looked mundane and just like any other old school office.However, the Fold Yard concept by Benoit Challand changes the whole perception of looking at offices design.Not only does the interior look smart but also contemporary.Moreover, they are easy to maintain and are lightweight.They give perfect space and room for the employees to work, thus keeping them energetic.


The trend of 3D interiors is slowly catching up.3D walls or cubicles can be an innovative idea for your office.They can add a fresh new look, and creativity to the workplace's appearance.

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