10 ideas to help sell your house quickly

As you put your house on sale, you need to take a few steps to help sell it as fast as possible.There are some tricks which can be quite effective in seeing a quick sale, whether the market is good or bad.The right pricing together with a few improvements can add thousands to the value of your home.Loading YouTube videos of your locality to let buyers know about your neighborhood is a good idea.

Check out 10 such great ideas which can help you to sell your house quickly.After all, you would love telling your acquaintances that I cansell my house fastas now I understand what it actually requires to sell a house.

Price right

Buyers today do their research before buying, and as they're calling the shots these days, you need to offer a price which is extremely competitive.Request your agent or broker to get the prices of similar houses which have been sold in your locality in the past month or so, then shave off 10-20% below that, when you list your home's price.It's a ploy which has been known to work, and worth taking the risk.You might even start a bidding war on your home, which is exactly what you want!You might get a much higher price than what you listed apart from selling in a record time.

Light up


Lights make spaces look bigger and inviting.Clean all the windows, replace broken bulbs, put up soft lamps, light the fire and even burn some pinecones for the wonderful smell.An inviting house which is airy, full of light is always attractive to buyers.

Get the right broker

The right broker who has a good track record may know how to convert a potential client into an actual buyer.Check how his previous sales went online, how many photos he put up on the listings etc.The more photos you show online, the better is your chance of people visiting your home.A recent study shows that listings with more than 6 photos have a better chance of being viewed.

Simple Quickfixes

You can compete by getting as many minor repairs done as possible.If you can get a pest / termite inspection done, this would be to your advantage.Wobbly knobs and handles, changing stained taps etc can give you some brownie points.

Add the good stuff

Along with closing credits, you could leave some good quality appliance/s as further incentive.Like that plasma TV, golf cart or smart coffee maker.Buyers like to know they'll be getting a few goodies too along with the house.

Here are other highlypractical tips to sell your house, which you would love considering for sure

Facebook listing

User holding an IPad with Facebook home page on screen

Facebook is a good tool to market your house.If you list your house on Facebook, your Facebook friends can be a great connection between you and prospective buyers, as they could spread the word about your home.Most people have at least 100-200 friends so imagine how great your reach would be.

Spruce up the exterior and interior

The first impression is very important so it's a good idea to paint your exteriors and spruce up the garden as best as you can.A mowed lawn, flowers and trimmed bushes cost very little but add great value to your home.If you are looking fora quick house sale, now is the time to concentrate on the small things which will make a big difference. You can place some outdoor furniture in your backyard so that buyers can visualize entertaining and enjoying barbecues outdoors.Change the broken down mailbox, paint the front door and indoor rooms, especially the kitchen.Tile grout, limescale, holes in walls should be taken care of before showing the house.

Be always available to show

Be prepared to show your home at a moment's notice.Many buyers have to arrange their schedules so that they can visit your home for a showing, so be available as much as you can.Brokers will also be more interested to show your place if they know they have easy access.



Remove personal memorabilia and store them safely.Buyers find it easier to visualize the house as theirs if your personal touches are not so obvious.


Clear out everything you don't use and think about removing big pieces of furniture as this will increase the floor space.

Selling a housecan be a breeze.Being positive and following these tips can help to sell your house quickly.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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